Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Making Clothes

Angela and her friends wanted to play with the magnetic dress up doll, but there was only one doll. They thought it would be more fair if they each had a doll to play with. So Mrs O photocopied and laminated more dolls for the girls. They then decided what types of clothes they wanted to make and used the originals as templates or measured their own using rulers. What wonderful creativity and problem solving the girls displayed. Here is the outfit Angela made:

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Writing Outside

Angela's current writing goal is to use her word card to help her spell words she needs when she writes her stories.
Today we had our writing workshop on this goal outside.  First we read the words on our resource card then we each took turns reading a word on the card.   The rest of the children had to locate the word then write it with chalk on the concrete.  We don't have to write only in our books.  We can write anywhere!


Today Angela was our superhero.  Angela has been working so hard on her writing goal.  Well done Angela! 

Writing Workshop

Angela's current writing goal is to use her resource card when she is writing to help her spell many of the simple words she uses in her stories.  Today we all practised reading the words on the word card.  Then we took turns reading a word from the card and then every one writing that word down on a white board.  We tried very hard to write each letter in our words around the right way.  It was bit tricky trying to think of a sentence using our word.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Welcome To My Blog

Welcome to Angela's blog.  She would love you to visit so she can share her learning journey and experiences  at Frankley School.  Please feel free to add any comments or ask a question.